About Professor Rick Smith

Rick Smith is a Professor of Practice at Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School. His research and teaching are centered on Strategic Management, Leadership, and Global Human Capital. As a retired Accenture Partner and Managing Director, Rick brings a pragmatic approach to academic life. He is passionate about Human Capital for competitive advantage and is constantly innovating in learning methods and practice-oriented research ideas. He frequently serves as a business advisor, guest speaker, and featured author. His interests in the people-side of business have spanned over 30 years with publications and engagements around the world.  

Education and Innovation

Dr. Smith has been active in furthering education through the use of technology and pedagogies that leverage experiential learning. His inquiry-based approaches to discovery, awareness, and understanding have led to his effectiveness in the classroom, the field, and the online studios.

Responsible Leadership and Research: 

Professor Smith is committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG). He is a signatory  Rick is a champion for sustainable research and a signatory on the Responsible Research in Business and Management (RRBM) global initiative. 

Academic Service Role Experience: 

Service is core to our roles in academia as we work together to improve the way that the world works and lives.

About Rick Smith...

After living overseas for more than 15 years, Rick arrived back in the USA in the midst of the global pandemic and started with Johns Hopkins University. As the Vice Dean of Education and Partnerships, he oversees the school’s portfolio of education offerings including MBA, Masters, Certificate, and Executive programs. His team also leads the global collaboration efforts industry and education partners. Prior to joining the Carey Business School, Smith was a Professor of Strategic Management and Deputy Dean of Programs at the Singapore Management University.


Prior to joining academia on a full-time basis, Rick spent more than 30 years in business, primarily in the consulting industry as a senior partner and managing director. As a senior executive with Accenture, he held a variety of business unit leadership roles across industries, geographies, and services. As an Asia-Pacific resident for 15 years, Rick (known in China as 薛宏志) has had the opportunity to work in most countries across the region with significant time in the growth markets of India, China, Indonesia, and Vietnam. Prior to his time in Asia, he worked with multi-national clients across Europe and the Americas.


Underpinning Rick’s research and teaching interests is a focus on human capital as a strategic resource for competitive advantage. Rick is a champion for sustainable research and a signatory on the Responsible Research in Business and Management (RRBM) global initiative. As such, he works to ensure that his research and teaching address practical and sustainable approaches. He teaches graduate and executive courses on Strategic Management, Human Capital and Global Business Strategy, and Strategy Execution. As a frequent guest speaker and executive education instructor, Rick is the proud recipient numerous teaching awards including outstanding MBA and EMBA professor.  


Over the years, Rick’s practice-oriented books, articles, and reports have made good impact in the business community. His research with the Great Place to Work Institute over the years has received wide-spread attention with insights on work practices and employee well-being. Rick’s work on cross-border leadership provided significant media attention in Asia where he has been featured as guest on CNBC’s ‘Squawk box’ and ‘Talk Asia.’ A few years ago, he turned his attention to management education and co-authored the book, Rethinking the Business Models of Business Schools. His recent book, Strategic Human Capital Development in Asia, highlights the various ecosystems and factors that drive human capital success at regional, national, and organizational levels. 

In his spare time, Rick can be found outdoors hiking, gardening, golfing, or enjoying nature.
